Color Copiers

We Help Color Your World!

When you are looking for a color copier in Sacramento, there are a lot of “gotchas” out there.  What is the color coverage of your prints?  Does a tabloid click count as 2 clicks or 1 click?  Is the machine so expensive the low cost per click doesn’t make financial sense in the long run? Is the copier so cheap you are going to get ripped off on the supplies for years to come?

Winning in the color copier purchasing game takes attention to detail and a lot of information and the right tools.  We have a database of over 1,000 different printers and copiers in the market which you could buy in Sacramento today.  With so many choices, how can you be sure you’re getting a high quality product that won’t be too expensive in the long run?

We know we will have competition on every deal, and we’re OK with this.  We believe in our process and we know once you have a chance to work with our excellent sales reps, we’ll prove out that we can help you.  Numbers don’t lie.  We hope you’ll give us the opportunity to show you how we can help your company in this tough economy.  Please call us for help with a Sacramento copier purchase!
