Save Money on Black and White prints

Simple math can save you money

I’m always a little shocked to see it but all too often I find people spending way way too much on black and with copying. An example is a customer that I worked with that had a little desktop copier. They were paying $335.00 per month for 5,000 copies. After a some simple number punching, that works out to $.067 per page. An outrageous number.

The customer could easily have chosen to go with a Lexmark X654e and saved significant amounts of money. Something like $90 per month for the copier, $40 per month for maintenance, and $60 for supplies coming to a total of $190 per month for the same 5,000 prints. Instead of $.067 they would have been paying something like $.038 per print.

If you like to make smart bottom line decisions we are always here to help, give us a call to make sure that your copier isn’t costing way too much.
