Getting a Copier Maintenance Contract
Purchasing a Maintenance Agreement in Sacramento
When first purchasing copier, it is a good idea to buy a maintenance agreement for the machine. This is a contract that does exactly what it title suggests. The company behind the agreement will maintain your copier and fix it when it breaks down. When leasing a copier, maintenance agreements are often included with the contract. However, your Sacramento business can buy one outside of a leasing company.
Keep in mind the following items:
Maintenance is included with the price. The overall bill will have the maintenance and repair fees folded in to the price of the agreement.
The cost for the maintenance is directly related to how many copies are made. Keep this in mind when figuring out the price of the maintenance agreement. It is always a good idea to know how many copies your office makes in a month regardless of the situation.
Don’t include toner in the agreement. This will help keep one price for the maintenance agreement regardless of how much toner and copies are being used. Separating toner out from the maintenance agreement will give you a bit more control over your own copier.
A maintenance agreement can be tough to decipher. If you need any help with yours, give us a call.